On July 16, 2016 my mother, Ida Lee Covington Carey, transitioned from here.
I have spent the last fifty plus days in reflection. What has been my reflection ? I have listened to friends share their transition stories, I have remembered important moments with my Mom, I have weeped and screamed at the knowing I will not sit across from her again and look into her beautiful eyes/soul or hold her hand or feel her amazing hugs, I have witnessed my father’s grief and my sister and brother’s grief, I have been held through this and I have been all alone with my pain. I have asked for guidance to heal with the knowing that crying produces cathartic results and this has been clarified for me; crying is cathartic if the energy is not filled with anger or judgement etc. I have been led to understand that the higher I vibrate (the more joy I hold in my soul) the closer I come to having her soul’s energy be able to connect with me. I am grateful for this knowing and ability.
I was with her when her energy left her body and she breathed her last breath. We were listening to tibetan chants that she said spoke to her soul in a way she could not describe.
I was reminding her that her body had been a strong warrior in this lifetime with an invisible soul and that when she was ready she/her soul would step through that veil. I was reminding her that we are all souls in a body. I pulled from an inner strength that I had inherited from her, my grandmother and all the strong women in my life for which I so appreciate. I come from a long line of strong spiritual women.
She knew when she transitioned that she was a soul in a body more than she had ever believed in this lifetime. I was grateful to have been supportive of her in this realization and to have been able to connect with her as she was walking between and in two worlds.
What do I want to share.. she said it was beautiful. It is more beautiful than we can imagine. You connect with souls you have known here in a space of unconditional love. These souls can more easily connect with you when you are in a high vibrating place of joy because they are vibrating so high. It is hard for them to come down to your level if you are not in this space. If you still see them as not being in a vibration of unconditional love and joy then you will not be able to authentically connect where they are now. If you see them as you knew them with all their human foibles then you will not connect with them as readily with where they are now. You may connect but they will have those none unconditional love patterns. They lose all those feelings and restrictions on being in joy and love when they fully make the transition. You have the power and magic to see them for where they truly are now if you choose to see them happy, vibrant and joy filled. ((I am going to be sharing some steps to Joy, please watch for this))
My Mom would share that you don’t need to be in a quiet space to connect with a loved one that has passed. You just need to be in a joy and loved filled mind and heart space. You need to see your loved one in this space. If you have never tried it than we would both say, Go For It.
I would share that life is filled with magic and transitioning can hold such magic if we see it as just another step in our growth. If we see the magic in our own transformation as we release the pain and step into the joy of knowing they are still here as a love filled soul who wants amazing things for us.
It is an important reminder that all we have is the great NOW. I would challenge you to love more authentically and to never put off spending time with someone you love and sharing your heart with someone you love. Life moves so quickly when we are always looking ahead to share love. I promise you the joy you seek is right here, right now. Bon appetit !