As I returned from my sailing adventure around the Polynesian islands feeling very loved and happy I was told I had a daunting time line I had not considered. I had agreed in the previous month to be a sponsor for the first ever LGBT Wellness Summit which will be free to view from June 5-12th ( I will enclose a link at the bottom – we need your support so please share as you feel led ). I found out I had things due for the summit and my main laptop was in Scottsdale where I would be within the week, after the deadline. I decided to focus on what I could do before I got back to Scottsdale; I could engage an amazing web person to schedule the changes to my website which I did and I then I let it go.
**I had put this summit into my vortex years ago when I said if I survive my adolescence I will reach back to help others .. this year I had said into my Vortex/Field, I am being asked to speak, what will I speak on. We do this constantly,,, lighting rockets of desire. It is so cool to be in observation of a manifestation that comes from a place of joy and service. I did not need to detail the outcome bc I would have never dreamt this big or had any idea I would be sharing passions for crystals and akashic records. I Love it.
Once back in Phoenix I went to stay with friends for the weekend in Sedona. They are a great couple that have introduced me to two things / events that are very much a part of my life now. They introduced me to a frequency device I now use named the BEMER. It has been studied, produced and used around the world for sixteen years.
It is made in Germany with very high quality materials. It is helping me expand my circulatory system which is increasing oxygen flow in my body and helps my cells detox. It is really cool and not only comes with a mat I lie on for just eight minutes a day but it comes with specific applicators if I have an acute need. I like to wrap the pad around my kidneys and stomach while lying on the mat. I had a live blood cell analysis done before using the BEMER for just eight minutes and afterwards, my red blood cells were moving much more freely and you could see the cells detoxing. I have been guided to a product that is amazing for me and others. I have now started selling it which is neat.
** Last year a friend introduced me to a large frequency product that sells for over a hundred thousand dollars, I knew I wanted to be doing more with this technology. Here it shows up for me in a much more affordable way. I would be happy to help you have one for you and your family. If you’re drawn more you may want to sell them. Just let me know. We have one for horses too !
When I first met Lisa and Leslie several years ago we discussed a foundation they had started for LGBT Wellness. Lisa found that when she was coming out after being married for years that there were no resources for wellness specifically focused on the LGBT community. They had one live event but had not gotten the response they desired. I was very interested in reviving the foundation. I am very present that there are many people around the world especially young people who have limited resources and support for coming out. Many people fear the rejection of their families and friends or they are confused about what and how they are feeling within a society that has mostly tried to demonize or create prejudice around the LGBT community. I am very present that many people have loved someone of the same sex and not understood how this could be if they are mostly attracted to the opposite sex. People begin to question themselves without having a loving supportive sounding board. I have also met people that are not comfortable in the body they were born in. Having resources of support throughout all of these awakenings and understandings can mean the difference between someone taking their life or thriving with the knowing of how much they are loved regardless of the feelings and emotions they have for others. There is a unique drive that we all have to be known and loved for who we are. When this is not in balance it can be very painful, I have lived through this. When the opportunity came up to be part of helping to sponsor the first LGBT online wellness summit I just needed a day to open my akashic records and decide to help support it. Regardless of the outcome with new clients or new business etc I knew it was awesome. Have you heard of the morphonigetic field ? I became very aware of this field when I was involved in gathering video story shares at the Parliament of the World’s Religions gathering in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2015. This is what was revealed to me, when we take an action, speak, write .. it goes out into this field that we all connect with. It is why a great idea could originate on opposite ends of the planet at about the same time. I know the LGBT Wellness event has put many great things into this field that we are all connecting in. I would love for it to be even more diverse next year. I know it would be fun to have a similar youth event (?!)..there are so many possibilities for connecting members of this community with loving mind/body/spirit/emotional support.
** It’s in the Vortex :)!!
Please share this event as you feel led and if you would like to be involved next year in promoting or participating please let me know. When you sign up for the summit you will hear LGBT and Straight speakers sharing about mind, body, emotion, spirit things. I was even included and gave multiple thoughts, if you know me you understand this :), on akashic records, energy and money, crystals ..
As you will see on my website I love the akashic records work. It is great way to get understanding about any issue or decision you are making. Many people when they have ideas around manifesting will choose something that is not in alignment. We have all done this with purchases, especially large ones. We buy the house or the car and then have this strong knowing that it has not generated the happiness we thought it would. I have learned two things that have helped me with this. One is focusing on Joy every day and when I am in that space without attachment to things in the future etc then I open up and bring more joy into my world. This makes it easier to make decisions and I certainly then make a decision that feels great. I have also asked in my akashic records why something would be good for me and why something might not be. The energy and love I receive in my records has guided me to understand many events in my life which has helped me have more compassion for myself and others – PLUS MORE
I am glad I got the thumbs up in my records for being involved in the LGBT Summit.
What can you do to be helpful with the summit’s success you might ask ? Well, you can share the link below in Twitter or Email or Instagram etc however you connect with friends and family.
Sign up here for the LGBT Wellness Summit (LGBT and Straight Presenters) Mind, Body, Emotion, Spirit Shares Register for Free before June 5th
What have you sponsored that you would like to share ? Did you have the strong sense that regardless of the outcome it would be fun and a growth opportunity ? Did you put it in your Vortex and then it showed up ?
Thank You for your support !