Channeled Universal Love Message

You are the most magnificent creature ever

You have the full support of every positive spark in the universe and beyond

You were born to know and live in Freedom, Joy and Growth Every Second of Every Day, Never Ever Forget That &

When it does not feel good it is all perfect because you are just being pointed in the direction of what does feel good &

That is always back to finding ways to love and trust yourself and your world a little more until that becomes your predominate knowing &

Then when contrast causes you to experience something you don’t want you will see it a little faster this time so you can get back to

The better feeling state by acknowledging it was just helping you get back to a better feeling state

In that state you will trust your guidance more – call them angels, divine intelligence, God et al You will trust how much you are loved & supported – more and more

It’s Always Always Perfect, you cannot get it wrong and you can’t ever get it done so have Fun & Enjoy the process as You

Lean into Joy, Freedom and Growth

We Love You

Appreciative for beautiful messages to me that I can share and know they are a universal message from Spirit or Source et al

Rita Lorraine Carey

About Rita

Rita Lorraine Carey | Shine Your Inner Light

Rita Lorraine Carey has been traveling the world discovering and assimilating tools and knowledge that help you shift old beliefs and patterns. This shift allows you to heal, discover your soul’s purposes and create more affluence, ease and joy in your world.

She is also sharing her journey in words and has a new book, Elijah’s Alchemy.

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