At the center should be the need and desire to play. Historically leaders in spirituality have taken the stance or the demeanor that you get very quiet and step into a sort of self critical space with some sort of love perspective. We are not saying you should not be loving but being loving with a mission is not playful or it lends itself to not being playful
When you can see others from a perspective of just wanting their complete joy and happiness it is fun and it carries you into a space of reckless abandon for your own self love. There is no greater joy then seeing others perfectly as they were created like little children. This type of detached way of seeing them whole and loved well is a gateway back to your own joy and fun.
It involves connecting with nature and seeing your divine connectedness with everything around you. It is a blast to connect with cool animals or see the beauty and perfection in a flower. These things are mirrors to your own beauty which is FUN.
It should be light – We want to share a short story about Rita. She had a wonderful opportunity to go to Peru with Destination Bliss and David Wolfe and magical soul friends. She participated in a magical San Pedro ceremony which put her in her right brain and in an open space of receiving. On her way back to her room that night as she climbed the stairs she looked over from the hotel to the hill in Cusco where the famous statue of Jesus looks over the city. As she saw him he was sticking his tongue out at her ! This made her laugh out loud. It seemed so perfect and she saw it so clearly she took photos of it ! He was trying to say, ‘don’t take life so seriously – You were born into complete joy and happiness so just be that, childlike.’ Being childlike is the best type of spirituality there is.
Every day your angels, the universe, God – all of them are trying to communicate with you in a way that leads you into joy and happiness. The best thing you can do is to stay present and expect beautiful messages and serendipities to guide your day. Ask them to guide you and lead and expect to be guided beautifully. When this happens it is great fun to acknowledge and say Thank You !
It takes you out of other routines you have. When you take time to invite spirituality to hold your hand and accompany you throughout your day it is like walking with magic. At this point you may ask, ‘well, what is spirituality?’ It is a gift of seeing beyond the physical. It is the way you were born. When you were born everything was about feeling states. It is a place to step into when you experience the world in beautiful feeling states by seeing beyond the physical and looking for the joy and love around you in people, places, things and in nature.
Feeling states can be hard ..this is an old paradigm you can shift by raising your frequency or vibration. When you have shifted to a more joy filled state your feeling states will be filled with more love and joy and any contrast to that will make you laugh out loud or see it for what it is and just smile as your brain and heart and body respond in a loving fun way.
So, 7 is really about raising your frequency or vibration – how is this fun ?
Because as you seek things around you that feel good and fun your frequency raises, you will also experience the desire to want to take better care of yourself with diet and movement. The key to understanding if you are there is that you want to do it for yourself and not anyone else.
When you are seeing the world around you as snapshots the Universe, God, Source, Angels et al are providing to guide you and love you more deeply, it is beyond Fun and it will keep you with an inner glow, a smile on your face and a lightness in heart.
Spirituality is Fun !
This was on the ceiling of the LAX Airport as I stood with soul friends from my trip to Tahiti when we got back,,,,, thank you God/Source/Angels/Spirit for the beautiful reminders of how much we are all loved.