We Believe We Have Discovered Proof that You Can Engage Non-physical Energies, Physically Deceased Souls and Guides which Support YOU.
We Can Show You This in Your Energy Field. Your Capacity As Soul Energy that Never Ceases Is Beyond What Most People Can Imagine.
A NEW Documentary Film Series about the
Colorful an AmAzing YOU.
We use Scientific Equipment based on Kirlian Photography to show YOU the Infinite Possibilities of You !
What Is Consciousness? What Are We, Soul Energy?
We are asking science & metaphysical experts. Our most recent interviews:
- Dr. Eben Alexander
- Dr. Bruce Lipton
- Dr. Konstantin Korotkov
- Alex Lipton
- Virginia Hummel
- The Masters, Channeled by Rebecca Dawson
- ..
The Creators:
- Seeking Production Film Team or Accomplished Producer Editor who Wants to Explore in this Metaphysical Realm and Share These Findings with the World
- Rita Lorraine Carey
- Liz Johnson
- Timea Szell
- Alex Lipton
- Jennifer Jordan
- Shaison Ouseph
- Dustin Demkiw
Reach out to us on how you can participate in this film series with Partnerships, Co-Producer Credit, Crowdfunding, Interviews with Podcasters, Production / Editing Group Wanting to Join the FUN
Updates to Share:
WILL BE LIVE SOON As A LANDING PAGE TO ADD YOUR EMAIL. In the interim you can EMAIL US: to be placed on an update list. We would love to connect with you.
“If you knew who walked beside you at all times, on the path that you have chosen, you could never experience fear or doubt again."
- Wayne Dyer
Shine Your Inner Light
WELCOME to My Website, Shine Your Inner Light ! I Believe as We Shine Our Inner Light it Allows Others to Shine Their Light and As We Look For the Light In Others It Is Reflected Back To Us – Keep Shining Your Inner Light and Loving More
Vlogging YouTube Channel Please Join Me: https://www.youtube.com/c/ShineYourInnerLight
click here – THE REVELATION OF YOU Documentary Film

Big Blessings on Your Journey,
Rita Lorraine Carey ~ SMILECITRINE@proton.mail.com
Elijah’s Alchemy
Mike Dooley, NYTimes best selling author and Notes from the Universe creator describes Elijah’s Alchemy as, “A cleverly suspenseful, Love filled tale of choices, lessons, and healing.”
May you enJOY this metaphysical journey and share it with your children !
Elijah’s Alchemy came out of a meditation where two Masters wanted to show me how easy it was to write. It is a beautiful story of remembering our spiritual gifts of intuition and inner knowings. Elijah shares his knowledge of energy healing, past lives, crystals, grief, the akashic records, money and energy plus the trust he has for the divine loving guidance that surrounds us all. You will follow his journey of falling in love, protecting his family from a powerful controlling church and using his intuitive gifts and knowledge to create a beautiful life filled with unconditional love and expanse.
He speaks of God and Guides and Angels that are part of his human journey.
May these lessons inspire you to cultivate more love and spirituality into your life.
“Enjoy with me this mystical, fantastical allegory about love and life and how we can live in joy and magic.”
Greg Baer, MD
Author, Real Love, motivational speaker and coach
You were Born in Completeness and Formed in Love
July 8, 2021
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Channeled Message from Jesus, “ I actually did have thoughts as I entered this planet. I thought, how will I relate to my new environment …
A Thoughtful Conversation w/ Covid-19 May it Assist You and Your Family in Experiencing More Peace
April 9, 2020
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A Thoughtful Conversation w/ Covid-19 May it Assist You and Your Family in Experiencing More Peace 🏽️ Keep shining your inner light and know how much …
What will 2020 hold ? ..”Ignite your passions”..
January 4, 2020
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What will 2020 hold ? There are no guarantees except knowing that your vibration and focus will guide you and everyone around you. We would …
Shares from Spirit 03-2016, May they comfort and guide you with love as we enter the magic of 2020
November 13, 2019
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You are not your bodies but you are light that shined so bright when you were born. Shine Shine Shine Again. You are an open …
Death, A Conversation with Spirit (like It’s a Wonderful Life !)
May 5, 2018
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I heard the ladder fall with a huge crash as my head seemed to bounce off the ground with a big thump. The smell of …
Manifesting from Feeling States
April 28, 2018
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One of my goals this year has been to practice manifesting from feeling states. On a recent trip to Vietnam I had an opportunity to …
“After taking your class, naturally my feeling and thought became more positive and loving way. I would like to keep them with me.” “Where did you begin and end? What will you take with you ? I want to know about me and improve inner self. I could access the vibe. I will take the loving higher energy / vibe with me.”
YYHouston, TX
“Absolutely loved this book and its message.
Look forward to sharing it with my young nephew and nieces – hoping they will learn to live the life of their dreams too!”
Shelley New Zealand, Australia
“I also really liked the guided meditations. I will be adding ideas from the guided meditation into my own meditation practice.
I will definitely be using this practice for personal development.”
BDASedona, AZ
“I am really excited to gain even more confidence and a strong energetic connection with the Akashic Records so that I can explore detailed spiritual wisdom.”
BellHouston, TX
“The class really strengthened my energetic connection to the Akashic Records. It was great to open up the Akashic Records that many times together in class.”
ABSedona, AZ
“I started the visioning process, when I felt like I was in need of some decluttering in my mental, professional, and romantic life. Rita helped me to visualize what I wanted in the year and five years to come, and to think about positioning myself with intention to get there. I’m happy to say I’ve used this visioning over the last several years and it has done me well. It has helped me to see that in order to get to where I want to be, sometimes I need to just be still and wait. It is during these times the mental space allows for some creativity. Rita’s help with visioning has been invaluable in my personal and professional growth process.”
AliciaWashington, DC
“Love, a magical read. Loved this fairytale, yet alchemist tale! How the book opens a window to the mystery and being at one with our inner gifts and the real life situations one can be presented with.”